Thursday, September 8, 2011

Audition Room!




Follow the Trail as we audition highly Talented Artists to bring this fascinating picture to the Big screen!


In this scene, Anthony visits Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Polanski, with troubles regarding his feelings and unresolved dilemma about Irene, his roommate. From a supposed emotional arson to cry-baby dolls, the scene gets more and more complicated, as Anthony narrates "ailments" of a bizarre kind. Will Dr. Polanski see Anthony's psychological turmoil for what it is?

Take 1: Chris Ulee's Audition Video: Chris Ulee, Auditioning for Anthony, the obsessed Violinist


In this scene, Anthony makes an attempt to imply his feelings towards his roommate, Irene, but this timid effort yields no promising results.

Take 1: Emil Gyulnazarov Audition Video: Emil Gyulnazarov, Auditioning for Anthony, the obsessed Violinist


In this scene, Irene returns from work with “proxy babies”, for which Anthony feels an immediate resentment. However, she intuitively calms Anthony down, after she explains the role of the ‘babies.” This calm is short-lived, though, as the “babies” soon show a determination to disrupt Anthony’s thoughts and plans for Irene.

Take 1: Dani Kelly Audition Video: Dani Kelly, Auditioning for Irene, Anthony's Roommate


Image: digitalart /

© RK Film and Media Studios, 2013
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